
Flat Plastic Miniatures 2

Created by Arcknight

Round 2 of the innovative new form of Tabletop RPG miniatures that are light, affordable, colorful, and pack flat for travel.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Demonblood and New Legendaries shipping, minor update on printers.
over 6 years ago – Tue, Aug 14, 2018 at 12:26:31 AM

Demon Bloods Reprinted

Here are images of a 2nd batch of Demon Blood that were not flawed!

panel 1
panel 1
panel 2
panel 2
panel 3
panel 3
panel 4
panel 4

 New Legendaries

We've finished the art files and printed SOME of the New Legendaries. I have photos, but keep in mind we were not able to print a lot of these. I've begun delivering the packs I have, prioritizing cases where I can completely finish someone's pledge, or they're waiting on Demonblood + New Legendaries, to combine the packs. I believe I have about 100 sets of this on-hand, but it won't be enough, and we'll have to finish delivery on this item after our printers get back online.

Update on New Printers

The old manufacturing facility is completely gone, and our printer that we've used for all of the FPM projects has been unplugged and will not be used again. It might be sold, it might be scrapped for parts, not my decision.

Philip is setting up his new facility in Las Vegas, where they're having all sorts of no-fun with power and things that always come up.

My printer has no "news" since the next available time to attempt to get it working is this upcoming weekend. However, that hasn't even been confirmed. If my printer gets working, I'll certainly post another update, since that will be huge.

In an almost painful irony, the final night Philip printed with the old printer - he tried a new type of print blanket that apparently made everything far better. We have too little information to say if there would be other issues or if this really is a dramatic improvement in our printing lives, but it might be. We'll certainly be using this new type of blanket in the future when the printers go back up.

Production Update - Many problems explained, some new art.
over 6 years ago – Wed, Aug 01, 2018 at 07:34:10 PM

On my Neglect to Update FPM2

As a designer / artist / manager working on many projects, I wish there was a simpler way to spit smaller 1-line updates into a bucket, and have them somehow parsed online.

I wish I could do a few hours of work one day, finish 35 map packs or process a spell effect page or ship 40 boxes and type "I just accomplished X" or "There's now Y more product in the store." or "Just got off the phone with Philip and he says Z". People could see what I've been up to as an individual, as it affects all sorts of things.

I do have a project update page per project, which is extremely important, but in times like today there hasn't been a milestone in FPM2, and I don't even think I should post - post WHAT? - but enough of those days go by and you guys begin to feel seriously under-informed, and that's a big problem.

I'll try for a hybrid, where I'll just tell you how things are. All sorts of things, things that are problematic or hopeful or on the horizon or just getting finished, and at least you'll have information. This project isn't a vacuum. We don't have 7 different unrelated kick starters. We have the overall Arcknight project - and it's continued series of kick starters to fund operations, while we do all sorts of things that have fantastic results - and of course I promise to get you the fruit of those labors as soon as I can.

The list of shit that has gone wrong in 90-ish days

Just for a record/reference, no need to pity us though. I'll go over most/all of these individually throughout this post.

  • Printer is too broken and cant Print Minis
  • Laser was too hot/broken and cant cut bases for Minis (fixed)
  • The laminator that prints our maps was broken (fixed)
  • Our warehouse's power was wrong, and we had to relocate to a NEW new warehouse
  • The new warehouse was shut down with no power/AC for 6 days while new power was fixed
  • Several boxes of product were crushed by UPS
  • Our Registrar shut down our website/email for 4-5 days, 3 separate times (fixed)
  • A family member has been in the hospital for 7.5 weeks, and is critical
  • Philip is moving to Las Vegas, and printing will be shut down for 30+ days
  • I have to spend time with my family

On Delivery Windows - Kickstarter or Retail?

I read a comment that I shouldn't be putting things in a retail store until all KS backers have been delivered. I 99% agree with this, but I think the statement itself is completely unfair.

First off, I DONT list things in the webstore until the KS backers have been delivered. The items he was talking about WERE delivered. Now, when I do a delivery phase and have 180 to put out, and 161 go out and the 19 left have OTHER things holding them up - this becomes more questionable. Do I put the product in limbo? Yes. For how long? Forever? No.

Example A> This case, I shipped them, I waited a good amount of time, and then I listed them, but no not "all" backers have them, and I decided to list them because I had many copies and let some start going out at retail.

Example B> Legendary Games' Forest Kingdoms. Complete pack, I have over 100x copies of this pack on the shelf, and you guys have never even heard of it. It's waiting for every single LGFK backer to receive their items before I even touch it. I COULD sell it retail, but I'm not going to.

It's context sensitive, and I make the judgement call item by item, because why shouldn't I? If you want specifics on why some item exists some place but you don't have yours, by all means email me and I'm sure there's a reason - or at least I gave it thought before moving forward.

On the Printer, and it's many many problems

This isn't exactly fair to our poor printer, but it's shit. It's falling apart, it's constantly breaking, it's getting very costly to repair and maintain, and recently we haven't been able to print very much at all, if anything.

It's cyclic, some days it works, then needs repairs, then randomly refuses to work, then works great again.

There are some points I want to clarify when shit-talking this wonderful machine.

  • This printer has seen tens of millions of "impressions". It's ... used. This isn't even a massive number in the printing world, but woah she needs a vacation, and it might just be better to scrap her for parts if there was an option to upgrade.
  • These printers are extremely rare, fickle, and difficult to use, repair, and ... everything under the sun. They're 5-color printers, and even within normal working parameters they have problems - but we're WAYYYYY out of normal. We're printing thick substrates with special coating, in ways the printer didn't even realize it could do. HP tells us "no, the printer cannot print that". By extension, it's impossible to have official service for these machines. We've essentially "hacked" them to do things they don't think they can do. And they work - but it's TOUGH to get consistent results when you're on the frontier of specialty printing. No company in the entire world, except us, has ever accomplished what were printing in the way were doing it. USAopoly has Gloom on their transparent cards using an entirely different technique - so sure at least some other people can pull off double-sided transparent printing - but they need a dedicated rig with 100k+ prints per page. Volumes that are unimaginable. To do this as an on-demand service from a tiny print shop - there's nothing to say except its "trick printing".
  • These problems are NOT new. These problems were there at Day 1 of FPM1. The printer ALWAYS has these problems, and we just fix them, and we keep going. There's always new printer problems, and we're always fixing them. And when the printer gives us good print days, we get a lot printed. And ideally, that happens regularly, but when it doesn't happen regularly we have periods of 30-60 days with nothing produced and its pretty terrifying. But, so what? In the long run, we're producing, the product is great, it's working, our backers get lots of cool shit. As an overall thing, this has been working for years, despite the hurdles and setbacks, and it'll keep working for years.
  • This specific printer has something "new" that's gone wrong, and despite what I just said above, we're starting to believe this printer cannot be fixed. We need to look at new printers, and plan for the worst.

Can we be a little more specific? Sure. And a lot of this information is new to me too - for the most part Josh (me) designs and delivers, and Philip produces. The printer has a "blanket", it's cloth. In layman terms, it absorbs ink, and it puts the ink on the sheet. The blanket continually absorbs more ink, and releases that ink, but if it can't release the ink it will build up, and tear the blanket. When this happens, you can't print, and have to replace the blanket. This costs about $300 and many hours of work.

The blanket has been ripping, and we replace it, and the new one rips. Basically every single day that we print. We've replaced dozens of blankets recently. One blanket was replaced, and printed TWO sheets of plastic, and was destroyed.

When you schedule a Friday night to "be a print day" and tear your blanket, it sucks. When it tears twice in 6 hours, it's catastrophic.

On the White Echo Glitch / AKA wtf happened to our Demon Bloods?

So we usually print, and the finished product comes right out of the printer. All the printing is done, and life is great. Because of the many blanket tears we've been experiencing since about January, we started trying many new options; altering the ink balance, altering the temperature, all sorts of stuff.

We discovered a trick that SUCKS, but lets us continue printing. I mean hey, 10% print speed is better than 0% printing, right? Or I should say it a better way; if it takes 10x the work to print the pages, do you still want to bother doing it? Ironically, as a kickstarter we have no choice! haha. It has to get printed, so Philip just has a WHOLE LOT MORE WORK to do - but it "works". In a short-sighted way.

This solution requires that we print in phases, when we never did before. This means it's now POSSIBLE to screw up harder than it ever used to be possible! Woo hooo.

One of the new possible screw-up problems is a complete mis-alignment causing the white to be out of phase with the rest of the printing. It ends up looking like a white drop-shadow, an outline, etc. If it's bad, its really distracting. If its not so bad, it looks like the artist decided to add a lens flair to everything to make it "shiny" on one edge, but kinda in a cool way... sorta.

A few months ago when Demons Blood was finally next on the print queue, everything was going great. This was the first time this phase problem really reared its head, and so it seemed like the printer was really behaving itself and we printed a full 200+ Demon Bloods (and remember, these have a white plastic film on them, so it's not even immediately obvious). Turns out - they had this new mysterious white phasing problem. All of them, basically. Maybe 10-20 were pretty good, while 150+ are terrible IMO.

We actually popped and peeled almost 100, bagged them, and were ready to put labels on them. I kept debating whether we should ship them or hold off. Procrastinating lead to further delays, and eventually I decided they shouldn't ship. I should have explained this problem back then, but literally in my head, ANY GIVEN WEEKEND we'll just print more! But this has been the start of one of the biggest printer-downtimes we've ever had. 60+ days of terrible printing results, and when we can print for batches here and there, re-printing Demon Bloods was not the highest priority. So the demon bloods have been in limbo, despite being 'next' and despite being 'printed' and despite being 'done' they never were available to ship.

Where are the bad Demon Bloods now?

I've been giving them away, but we still have 70-80% of them. I don't mind people HAVING them, I just don't believe they are within our quality control standards, and if I delivered them "as a finished product" I think it would cause problems and people would (rightly) raise hell at the flawed results.

If you're at GenCon you can swing by the booth and say "hey, I'm a FPM2 kick starter backer, can I have a free demon blood?" and I'll hand you one, I have about 50 copies just lying around in bags.

This might upset some of you, because you've wanted them for months, but it is what it is. I'm damned if I do and I'm damned if I don't in this situation.

What is the status of the Demon Bloods right now?

Monday night, literally 2 days ago, Philip says they reprinted successfully, and I should have them in the warehouse before I get back from GenCon. I know - I basically said before "ooh the arts done!" and the implication was they'd be finished, and I said "we're going to print them this weekend!" before, and the implication was they'd be finished, and I probably said "we'll reprint them immediately!" before and the implication was that they'd be finished.

But, this is different, because Philip says they're ALREADY finished, so I assume (I guess it's possible something ELSE goes wrong, and I STILL can't deliver them, like if they get lost or crushed in shipping) I'll have these out to you guys next week.

Some Photos of the White Phase Glitch

 The White Glitch does not affect the back-side of the art.

Whats the status of the printer right now?

Using stages, Philip is printing. He was able to get some finished last time we printed, and the Legendary 24s have 1/2 of their printing done, when he noticed a glitch he has to correct. He believes tomorrow, the Legendary 24s may finish if all goes well.

There is a consistent "blotching" problem. If you've ever seen the Menagerie section of you'll see a lot of videos and flawed product with this blotching. So even if he can print, the minis might be blotchy / out of phase.

What's next for the Printer / Move to Las Vegas.

Philip's printer, and the company around it, is moving to Las Vegas. In about a week the printer is going to be unplugged/dismantled. It may never come back up, it may be sold, it may be dismantled for parts.

This is a potentially huge concern for us. We're estimating 30 days without printing capabilities AT ALL, so he's rushing to finish anything he can within the next week.

We're hoping Demon's Bloods and Legendary 24s, as well as plenty of stock of our regular line get finished - which would require about 2 good evenings from the printer out of the 4-5 possible days he might be able to accomplish it. My gut says the printer will break. It broke 3/4 of times we tried to print last week.

So Arcknight cannot print?

Here's where things get interesting, and theres some silver lining(s).

Philip has a SECOND, newer, printer. It's never even been installed, because they knew this move to Las Vegas was looming. It'll get set up in Las Vegas. Good news - this printer might solve all of our printing issues. Bad News - the overall company has no need to set this printer up with any hurry - so unless Philip makes it happen on the side or after hours - it's not getting set up right away (again, this is why we're estimating 30 days, but it could be longer.)

Because Arcknight's printing is so terrifyingly tied to this printer, I've mentioned before that I have a THIRD, newer, printer. It's sitting in our Texas warehouse. Our printer tech flew in last week and spent 4 days setting it up. Good News - The printer looks AMAZING, and it's 90% set up. Bad News - It's not done being set up, needs $2000-3000 in extra parts / inks, another power modification, some other minor nonsense. IF we can get it fully ready, I have no one to run it. Philip needs to train me on it, and he can't. If he COULD train me on it, the heat in Texas is far to high in the summer to run it smoothly, so we'll have to run it from 3am to 5am, and even still it may be too hot. But if we can find a DFW-local who knows how to run and repair this machine, Philip and our printer tech can train him on our modifications, and we can get this going. I estimate ... drum roll... 30 days.

So if EITHER of these routes yields fruit, we might be printing again. If not, we'll have a better idea which of the 2 routes is going to work sooner, and put all our pressure there.  Perhaps we'll scrap the printer we're using now to get either/both of these new printers going.

The emergency Texas Warehouse move. AKA why my new warehouse needed a new warehouse

We've had this nifty new printer in the texas warehouse for a while. I scheduled a time with my tech to come out and install it about 3 months ago. When he arrived, he asked about the power situation - which i passed on to my landlord - who gave us some news we were not expecting....

Unlike in California, where EVERY warehouse has 3phase power just as a normal way of life, out here in quasi rural north Fort Worth on the side of a random highway - they never bothered installing 3 phase power. At all. Anywhere.

Not as in, I need to pay $8000 to run 3phase from the street to the building/unit. There's no 3phase at the "street" - because there's not even a street to begin with. We're just on the side of a highway in a large warehouse complex.

So, option 2, we need a power transformer that can convert our power into 3phase. More bad news - the power coming out of the wall is dirty and fluctuates. Not signification .... unless you were using a power transformer to make 3phase power for a highly sensitive specialized printer. Which is exactly what we wanted to do. We were strongly warned that if we spent $4-8k on a power transformer, we were still taking a risk that it wouldn't work and could even destroy our printer.

Option 3 - move. Again. Immediately. Fortunately, the land lord has a brand new series of warehouses - better in every possible way AND 3phase accessible. We'd need to pay $5700 to install the 3phase. We also had just paid riggers $2200 to deliver a damaged die-cutter. So we called them up and they gave us a hell of a deal to move all the machines across town. A few truck loads later, and we were moved into the new warehouse. It's even bigger, very clean, very nice, has space for everything we could need for a decade of growth - but is certainly more $ than I was expecting to pay out of the blue with how cash strapped we've been.

Then of course, as summer starts, we have no power, because we have to cut power to install 3phase power. That took a week, but after power was back on, we now have a NEW NEW warehouse - and a massive disaster of boxes and trash, since moving "immediately" basically means throwing things. And it's fairly hard to sort in 110 degree heat with no power and no lights.

But long story short, the warehouse is now cleaned up, machinery is spaced nicely, and we were ready to get back to work.

Texas Heat and my Laser

My laser is a frankenstein. It started out nice and new, I bought it direct from the manufacturer in china, and I began to run it - like an amateur. I did everything wrong. I overheated it constantly, I ran it out of alignment, I melted the end of the apparatus nozzle, I never lubricated the bearings, I never dusted it. I just ... learned on the fly.

I now consider myself a semi-expert 40 watt laser repair man - because I've ended up repairing MOST of this laser. In the last year, I've ripped out and replaced all the wiring. I replaced the Y motor when it burned out. I replaced the stepper driver that caused the Y motor to burn out. I learned the hard way how it zeroes by slamming itself into the wall until it hits the zero switch (if this is missing and the machine starts up, it's a very bad thing. The motor just grinds endlessly in a horrifying sound.). One of the guide rail wheels is missing because I "liberated" it (I ripped it out since it's pointless and when the wheel rattles loose it blocks the zero switch (causing the same horrifying grinding sound). The laser is a ball of duct tape at this point. But every time I fix it, man does it run smooth again.

So it's summer. The ambient temperature in my new new warehouse is over 100 degrees. The laser uses a water chiller to "cool" the laser back down to ambient temperature. The ambient temperature is already hotter than the laser's critical level, so the laser basically overheats in 15 minutes. As it nears overheating, we take bottles of nearly frozen water and cycle the water in the cooler out - but this can only be done for 1-2 hours at a time before "stuff" inside the laser doesn't want to work anymore. I ASSUME the laser tube itself is just hot at that point, and even with cool water flowing through it, it can't cool down.

When this happens, apparently, the laser reduces it's power output dramatically. One second it's cutting, the next it's not cutting at all. Probably a cleverly designed feature so the laser doesn't get destroyed. When this gets tripped, the laser looks like it's cutting, but the cut doesn't go through the acrylic (no bases). The laser feels like it's misaligned, but it's not. You can get a laser to cut when it won't go through by slowing it down, or raising it's power (but it's always on max power). So we slow it down. I'm already used to running this laser at 12 millimeters per second, or sometimes 10. On these hot days, I was taking it down to 9 or even 6. And if you know anything about laser programs, that means I have to rebuild the whole output file and re-upload it to the laser which is annoying, but whatever.

6 mm per second. That's not fast. Takes almost 7 hours to cut a full panel of bases, and in the heat - I can only run for 15 minutes.

Semi-solution #1 - run the laser in the middle of the night. My wife LOVES this solution. It means I'm never home, ever. I come in at ~1 am, open the bay doors, let the place air out and babysit a laser. Doing this technique, I can cut for about 2 hours before it mysteriously stops cutting.

But Texas summer is still getting hotter. As of about 20 days ago, the ambient temperature during the day was breaking 110, and the ambient temperature in the wee hours of 2-6am was STILL 100+.... so even in the middle of the night I'm now getting about 1 hour total cutting time, spaced over 2-3 hours while I stop and cycle water every 15 minutes or so.

Now I'm not a very experienced 40 watt laser operator, so some of the most obvious things are still trial and error for me, but I decide to replace my lens. And not only replace it, but buy the fanciest and highest quality lens I can splurge for. It arrived, I immediately scratched it with a screwdriver while installing it, but it was off to the side so I don't think it's the end of the world, and I realigned and powered the laser up....

I have to imagine someone, somewhere was in a coma for 20 years as cell phones developed. And when they woke up, suddenly everyone had personal computers in their hands, and it must have been quite a shock. If you have a 40 watt laser cutting at 6 or 9mm/s and you see someone else's 40 watt laser running normally, say in a you-tube video - you point and say "WTF is that? That laser is going really fast, they can DO THAT!?". With the new lens, I haven't tested a speed it won't cut. 15 mm/s, 20, 22, 25, still cuts. However, since it's a frankenstein, the faster I go the more I worry about my taped up wiring and missing wheels. You can just HEAR it breaking itself and the bolts shaking loose, and the last thing I want right now is a mechanical failure that shuts me down entirely.

So I tried a new tactic, kept the speed at a nice 15 mm/s, and kept lowering the power instead. I'm now getting nice clean cuts with dramatically reduced power consumption, letting the laser run longer and longer. Also this new laser has a new focal length, and after realigning and all that, I've never experienced the mysterious "lower power cut off threshold" or whatever it was that caused it to stop cutting. Now, it ALWAYS cuts... even when the laser is far into it's critical temperature, it's still cutting away. Unless the water chiller enacts it's hard override which cuts power to the laser entirely, it seems to not care, so I've been keeping the water cycled and it's giving me 6-8 hours a night.

Also, the heat has broken a little and the last few days were only 90-100 in the middle of the day. So, laser is back, and better than ever. I'm buying 4 more of these new lenses.

Maps and Lamination

Lamination is dumb, and the laminator laminated many maps poorly, and I wasted a lot of time cleaning up the edges so I could properly cut them and lost almost a week of my life.

Our Registrar turned off our website / emails

So, shortly after our move to our new new warehouse, when everything is a mess, and there's no power... I came home to find I ALSO had no emails. This was the start of a new low.

For lots of details, you can read the FB post -

But for the tl/dr version - MyDomain sold our domain to Enom who sold our domain back to Mydomain, so while I get support from Enom's servers control the website. Enom sends me emails that are flagged as spam, and I've never f'n heard of them anyway, and they say "you better update all your contact information by following this suspicious link or we'll ruin your life".

Then, they redirected traffic so our website and emails died. After 5 days and almost 30 hours with their help desk(s), we fixed the name servers and got back online. 8 days later, they RE-blocked traffic to our website. This time took only 2-3 hours with help desk, but we had to wait the 5 days again for nameservers to get fixed. 7 days later they RE-RE-blocked traffic to our website. Always for the same bogus reasons, then they apologize, fix it (eventually) and then do it again.

So for virtually half the month of July our email has been down. Any email sent to our emails got bounce-back notifications. We probably lost 200-300 emails in this period.

We've created an alternate external email [email protected] in case we have further problems, but we shouldn't because we've now wrested control away from the registrar and given it to TotalChoiceHosting which I was already using for domain hosting anyway.


Theres some, but I'm out of time. I'll upload it tomorrow after I build our GenCon Booth if I have a few hours Wednesday night, otherwise you'll see it Thursday.

Art Update - Legendaries 2 Finished, Customs Update
over 6 years ago – Mon, Apr 30, 2018 at 11:40:58 PM


Dragonborn and Pirates are fully produced and in stock in the warehouse. Most of the copies have been sent to domestic backers, unless the order is held up for another item and wasn't split, you guys should have them.

Spacefarers and Demon's Blood are still queued for production but we've been having a lot of problems with our printer, so they haven't been manufactured yet.

Legendaries 2 - Art is Finished!

 Final list includes: 5 various Giants, Dragon Turtle, Multi-Headed Dragon, Kraken, Balor, Death Tyrant, Rhemorhaz, Fire Elemental/Ifreet.

Customs 80-96p Art Update

New customs from Alex Siwek;

There are also new custom sketches from Akeiron and line-arts from Yadong Wang, but they aren't in proper resolution/format, so I'll have to share them in a future update when I get them.

When it rains it pours! Demon's Blood FINISHED and Dragonborn FINISHED!
almost 7 years ago – Sun, Mar 04, 2018 at 10:51:40 AM

Demon's Blood

Demon's Blood, in all it's glory! Remember these are NOT to scale, so some of the smallest pieces meant to represent demonic familiars may appear massive.

page 1 demons
page 1 demons


page 2 demons
page 2 demons


page 3 demons
page 3 demons


page 4 demons
page 4 demons

 We had to make some hard cuts to get a 62-piece set for retail, but don't worry, many if not all of the pieces cut will show up as Customs for all backers.

We'll try to have the files finished and printing within 2 weeks. It may be sooner, but I don't want to set unrealistic expectations. We're STILL splitting the Pirates + Wildlands Hordes off from the rest of the sets, but now that Demon's Blood + Dragonborn are "suddenly done" it feels quite foolish. Oh well, such is life. Besides, if we had NOT split the packs, somehow the universe would have delayed these, so we did it just right!


Lets face it, we had a lot of dragons before... but did we have ALL OF THE DRAGONS?! I think not. So lets add MOARR DRAGONS.

Seriously, this pack feels like gluttony. Asking "do you NEED 40+ dragonborn??" is like asking "Do you HAVE to eat that whole jar of peanut butter?" It doesn't actually matter if the answer is yes or no, we're doing it anyway!

Also for this set, the files were already alphabetically sorted by "Slot", so it was easy to export each size as it's own page, so they're in the correct ratio.

Here's your Smalls - Pseudodragons and Kobolds galore. Seriously 12 Kobolds, because literally you never fight just 4.

Dragonborn - Smalls
Dragonborn - Smalls

 Next up we have our PC / NPC typical Dragonborn, Dragonborn, Dragonborn, and more Dragonborn, then some Dragonborn. We tried to hit at least every class a few times, and with a huge variety of DB colors - it wasn't hard to run out of slots.

Dragonborn Mediums Page1
Dragonborn Mediums Page1


Dragonborn Mediums Page2
Dragonborn Mediums Page2

 These 4 are also "medium" dragonborn, but in a totally different style. We made these as a throwback to the old school winged dragon men that were usually villains and horde mobs. They'll take up some of the widest medium slots on the page, but it won't do them justice, and certainly they could be reprinted at almost any scale (and likely will be in the near future).

Dragonborn Medium Page3 Winged
Dragonborn Medium Page3 Winged

 Then comes our "Drakes" 4x element-themed dragon cousins, one for Fire, Water, Earth (Forest), and Air. These will take the 'short wide' slots.

Dragonborn Wide Drakes
Dragonborn Wide Drakes

 But no "Dragon"-anything pack could be complete without ACTUAL DRAGONS! So in our Large slots, we've got a spindly Wyvern and a Gold Dragon in the large-wides, and in the large-talls come a Brass Dragon, Copper Dragon, Bronze Dragon, and Shadow Dragon!

Dragonborn Large Dragons
Dragonborn Large Dragons


Customs are also underway, with another 30x sketches assigned, 10x each to Damien, Yadong and Alex Siwek. Some of the customs are (of course!) quite strange, haha. But I expect good things! I have a dozen or more new sketches, but we'll save them for a future update and show more of them off at once.

Shipping Update

So, with these 2 packs' delivery, once their production is done, almost everyone will start shipping. The splits we've been doing over the last month will seem very foolish EXCEPT since bases had already shipped in Pack #1, the remaining packs can often just be put in mylar tear-resistant envelopes, and ship very cheaply since they're Flat / Letters.

Cyberpunks is also much farther along than it was 20 days ago, with almost 30 new colored "near-final" sketches pushed out, but there aren't a lot of backs done. I'll have a detailed update soon on that pack as well.

Spacefarers - Art Update #3 - FINISHED!
almost 7 years ago – Mon, Jan 29, 2018 at 10:54:19 PM

Spacefarers - Art Update #3. Art by Alex Siwek

Spacefarers are finished! The pack is 64 pieces, using an all-humanoid die. Overall I think these turned out fantastically and I love the glow and ambiance. I'm also really happy with the weapons, which I'm picky about.

These will go to Philip for final color adjustments before print, so this might not represent the final print exactly, also remember that our sampler pages are auto-scaled, so children and drones might be overly large, while tall aliens may be smaller than they will appear.

That said, here's the full 64 pieces!

Spacefarers Page 1
Spacefarers Page 1


Spacefarers Page 2
Spacefarers Page 2


Spacefarers Page 3
Spacefarers Page 3


Spacefarers Page 4
Spacefarers Page 4


Spacefarers Page 5
Spacefarers Page 5


Spacefarers Page 6
Spacefarers Page 6


Spacefarers Page 7
Spacefarers Page 7


Spacefarers Page 8
Spacefarers Page 8